Introduction & Overview


Annie and I are excited to have you join us on our new painting adventure- our goal is to have a place for everyone to come and have fun...painting flowers!

You're currently enrolled in Two Fall Bouquets-Yellow Roses, an instructional acrylic painting course taught by two artists: Annie O'Brien Gonzales and Jill Haglund painting the same bouquet expressively. We hope you enjoy painting along with us, in our individual studios, for all six the seasons (12 courses).

There may be social distancing going on right now in the outside world-but it won't affect our painting adventures inside the studio.

Thank you for letting us share our our joy of painting flowers (and lots more) with you - we genuinely hope throughout the season, you will grow to love painting as much as we do!

Here is my expressive painting for today, it was a lot of fun painting it. The entire process of how a painting evolves and seeing what shows up at the end of the day is so enjoyable. Annie's expressive style painting looks completely different than mine and I love that!

As a matter of fact every person taking the course will apply paint to the canvas in their own individual way and each painting will be unique. That's called 'the joy of expressive style painting'.

As you are inspired by our lessons and paint along with us throughout the year your own expressive style will soon emerge too. Our vision for Let's Paint Flowers online art instruction is that you will soon come to enjoy the painting process as much as Annie and I.

We hope you benefit from the lessons and discover the joy of painting, too!

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